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Today: January 23, 2025
Today: January 23, 2025
Assistant Professor of Plant Evolutionary Biology

Assistant Professor of Plant Evolutionary Biology

Staff Writer

Latest From Assistant Professor of Plant Evolutionary Biology


Take a break from your screen and look at plants − botanizing is a great way to engage with life around you

Botanizing is the practice of observing and appreciating plant life. Two plant scientists explain how it benefits people and the planet.

Take a break from your screen and look at plants − botanizing is a great way to engage with life around you

Ferns and flowers bribe helpful ant defenders with nectar, but ferns developed this ability much later – our study shows why

Ferns have evolved a mutually beneficial relationship with ants, but this happened late in their evolution. A recent study shows that old dogs can learn new tricks.

Ferns and flowers bribe helpful ant defenders with nectar, but ferns developed this ability much later – our study shows why

Ferns’ ability to evolve ‘backward’ offers insights into the meandering path of evolution

Evolution is often depicted as a steady forward march from simple to complex forms. But new research shows that certain ferns can evolve ‘backward.’

Ferns’ ability to evolve ‘backward’ offers insights into the meandering path of evolution
