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Today: February 19, 2025
Today: February 19, 2025

Inspiring insights from 100-year-old man on living with purpose and joy

Inspiring insights from 100-year-old man on living with purpose and joyCentenarian Jack Weber shares wisdom on living well: embracing life's simple joys, maintaining relationships, and keeping a youthful spirit. Learn from his 100 years.
January 30, 2025
Jasmin Jose - LA Post

Jack Weber, a Hicksville resident who's 100-years-old, has some life wisdom to share. This old-timer, who served in the Navy and fixed teeth for a living, recently spilled the beans on what he's figured out about living well.

Jack's big on the little things in life, finding common ground with your better half, trying new stuff, being there for the kids, helping others, and keeping your inner youngster alive. Jack says his mom Estelle got him hooked on sports and playing outside when he was just a kid. She showed him the ropes on the ice rink and tennis court, always pushing him to ditch the homework and soak up some rays.

"Mom would say, 'All I need is a juicy apple and some sunshine, and I'm set,'" Jack recalled with a grin. "The other part was, 'Get a good laugh and that's the best part of the day.'"

For Jack, a solid marriage is all about finding stuff you both dig and seeing eye-to-eye on the big things. He and his sweetheart Betty, whom he met back in college and spent nearly six decades with, were both nuts about sports and the great outdoors.

"We'd hit the tennis courts together, but when I started golfing, Betty wasn't having any of that sitting at home business. 'I'm going to learn how to play golf.' So she did," Weber said. 

He added that their shared interests made marriage enjoyable because they rarely had to argue about how to spend their time.

Jack's all about keeping an open mind and meeting new folks, no matter how old you get. He told us about this wild night during a blizzard when he ended up at a holiday bash and made friends for life with four other couples. 

"Today, I see young people walking around on the streets with their [phones] in their hands. And I wonder if they're spending the best part of their life around that little computer," Weber said. "My advice is open your heart, open your eyes. There's a whole world out there around you."

As a parent, Weber said he regrets not being more present for "the little things" when his children were young. He advised today's parents to be more involved in daily activities like bedtime routines.

"I see now my grandchildren's spouses spend so much time with their kids. They're changing diapers! I never changed a diaper," Weber said.

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Ever since he joined the Lions Club back in '53, Jack's been all about lending a hand to others. He encouraged people to find organizations that allow them to help their communities.

"I have found that helping other people is sort of difficult to do by yourself. Join a good organization that does that type of thing, and that is the way you can help," Weber said.

As for aging gracefully, Weber's key advice is to maintain a youthful outlook.

"Don't let the old man get into your head. Don't think old; think young. Because that's what will keep you young," he said.

Weber still drives and plays golf regularly. He focuses on enjoying each day rather than worrying about potential future limitations.

"I try not to worry too much about what's coming down the pike. Each morning, I wake up and make the most of that day. I enjoy that day. Keep a smile on my face," Weber said.

Jack's story is part of a bigger trend - more and more folks are making it to the big 1-0-0 these days. Back in 2021, the government bean counters figured there were at least 100,000 people who'd hit triple digits in the US.

The folks who study aging say if you want to live long and prosper, stay active, keep your friends close, and find your purpose. Turns out, Jack's love for the outdoors, his buddies, and helping out in town fits right in with what the experts recommend.

Sure, everyone's life is different, but these old-timers like Jack have seen it all and can teach us a thing or two about rolling with the punches and living life to the fullest.

As more people join the century club, Jack's advice to keep moving, nurture your relationships, and stay upbeat might just strike a chord with folks hoping to live long and well.

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