Today: November 11, 2024
Today: November 11, 2024

Night Sleep


A Bad Night of Sleep Affects You More Than You Think 

At times, we encounter difficulties in achieving restful sleep—whether it involves struggling to fall asleep until the early morning, waking up multiple times during the night, or staying awake all night. The repercussions of insufficient sleep are detrimental, impacting cognitive abilities and emotional well-being, as indicated by studies. Nevertheless, science offers guidance on mitigating the adverse effects that cannot be avoided when faced with a night of poor sleep. The brain plainly suffers when sleep-deprived. Studies forcing subjects to stay awake 24+ hours find slowed reactions, lapses in memory, a weakened ability to pay attention, and flawed decision-making. But even

A Bad Night of Sleep Affects You More Than You Think 

Insomnia Keeping You Up? Experts Explain What Really Works for a Good Night's Sleep

Tossing and turning nightly is frustrating. But frequent sleep disruptions impeding daily life likely signal chronic insomnia. We delve into the whys, whats, and hows of getting your Zs back. Sleep progresses through light and deep cycles. An occasional mid-sleep awakening is normal brain cycling. But regularly jolting awake and wrestling to resume sleep indicates a disorder. Age alters sleep architecture. Many seniors wake once or twice for bathroom breaks. That’s usually harmless unless extended awake time and difficulty returning to sleep follow. Those struggling to regain sleep face amplified health risks including dementia, diabetes, heart disease and more from

Insomnia Keeping You Up? Experts Explain What Really Works for a Good Night's Sleep
